MIDLAND THORACIC SOCIETY Annual General Meeting held at The Mount Hotel and Conference Centre Wolverhampton, W.Midlands Friday 19th March 2004
Chair: Mr F Collins (President) Secretary: Dr R Lewis Treasurer: Dr C O’Brien
Apologies J Critchley
Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the meeting Friday 11th April 2003 were held as a correct record Matters arising Dr Mann informed the meeting that there was the possibility for exchange of registrars with centres in New Zealand, and the potential of exchange also with Sydney, Australia. Other areas such as Hong Kong and S.Africa had financial constraints Thoracic Surgery: The appointment of a 5th thoracic surgeon, Mr Roger Vaughan was welcomed Treasurer’s report Dr Christine O’Brien presented the accounts to the committee. The spring meeting of 2003 had broken even, and the Autumn meeting had made a profit of £700. The reserves stood at a healthy balance of £14,613. The MTS had supported nurse training days, and there was a feeling that these to be self sufficient in the future Secretary’s report 2003-4 Dr Mann as outgoing secretary 2003 produced a report. This noted the successful meetings at Stafford County Showground in April 2003, and Worcestershire Royal Hospital in October 2003, both of which provided interesting talks of a high standard, and were well received. Those running these meetings were thanked for their efforts and hard work. The Society had provided financial support for a study day on non-invasive ventilation at Wolverhampton in September 2003. Research Group Dr Pantin reported that this group which had been in existence since 1986 had become less enthusiastically supported since 2000, and there was a need for “new blood” to renew interest in the group. The OASIS work continues, however new research is not currently being promoted. Study Day A study day is being co-ordinated on 30 April 2004 by Alison Pooler at Stoke Football Group for ward based nurses Professions allied to medicine There was a lengthy discussion concerning the need to link with health care scientists and allied professions, and to produce meetings with an interest for this group. Logo for and promotion of the MTS Richard Lewis told the meeting that he felt that the MTS should move forward to become more accessible to the whole spectrum of staff now employed who have an interest in respiratory disease. The rapid influx of new staff means that we need to find a way of inviting new recruits to join the MTS and provide an incentive for them to do so. Some aspects of the constitution now appear anachronistic and the committee need to review this in the light of rapid changes in the profession and the increasing importance of the role of non-medical members of the MTS. It was suggested that one way of promoting the MTS would be to produce an MTS leaflet with the aims of the Society, relevant links to members of the council (names, telephone and email), and a standing order form, possibly all in a coloured brochure. A new logo could be considered, and the logo at the top right corner of this set of minutes was considered to be suitable in the absence of any alternative being produced. The logo combines the acronym MTS into a representation of the thorax and seen radiologically. This will be taken forward by the MTS council. Council members Current members of the committee comprise:
Mr Frank Collins - Chairman Dr Christine O’Brien - Treasurer Dr Charles Pantin - Convenor BTS Research Group Prof. Richard Lewis - Secretary Sr Allison Pooler Mr Trefor Watts Sr Jean Critchley Sr Ann Marie Whiting
Future meetings The next meeting of the Society is to be held at Stoke in the autumn 2004, and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital is to be invited to host the meeting in Spring 2005.
Richard Lewis 15.9.04 |
Copyright © 2003-2005 Midland
Thoracic Society