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If you are working in the field of thoracic medicine or surgery as a physician, surgeon, specialist registrar, nurse specialist, physio, pulmonary function technician or one of the many other important professions allied to medicine then you should consider joining the Midlands Thoracic Society.


What are the benefits of membership?


  1. Reduced fees for the two annual meetings of the MTS


  1. Being kept informed of the various meeting of the MTS in good time.


  1. Being eligible to apply for one of the two travel bursaries* which enable members to travel to national and international meetings


  1. Support from the Research Group for local research initiatives


  1. Meeting colleagues in the profession from around the region at regular meetings


*currently worth £500 each per annum


Current members of the MTS Committee:


Sherwood Burge            President   sherwood.burge@wmids.nhs.uk

 Christine O’Brien            Treasurer   Cob27@doctors.org.uk

 Richard Lewis:               Secretary  secretary@midland-thoracic-society.co.uk

 Charles Pantin:                             charles.pantin@uhns.nhs.uk

 Trefor Watts:                                 trefor.watts@walsallhospitals.nhs.uk

 Alison Pooler

 Jean Critchley

 Anne-Marie Whiting:                     marie.whiting@prh.nhs.uk








Copyright © 2003-2005 Midland Thoracic Society