CONSTITUTION OF THE MIDLAND THORACIC SOCIETY Rules adopted 1984 (Please note that that these rules will be replaced by a revised constitution that is being presented for consideration at the AGM on 15th April 2005)
1. Name: The name of the Society is “Midland Thoracic Society” hereinafter referred to as the Society. 2. Objects: The objects for which the Society is established are to promote the relief of persons suffering from diseases of the thorax and related disorders by the promotion of research into and the provision of equipment and all other facilities necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of disease of the thorax and in addition the education whether of members of the medical and nursing professions or of the general public in the means of such diagnosis and treatment. In furtherance of the aforesaid objects but not further or otherwise the Society shall have the following powers:- (a) To furnish advice and information to interested persons, Authorities and other Bodies, concerning all or any of the matters mentioned in the first clause of this rule. (b) To hold, take part in and contribute to conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other gatherings for the purpose of advancing any of the objects of the Society. (c) To carry on and participate, whether directly or indirectly, in research upon diseases of the thorax and their treatment and if it so decides, provide funds and payments for such research. (d) To publish and reproduce all forms of information in connection with the treatment of diseases of the thorax and to maintain collections of all forms of information relating to diseases of the thorax. (e) To solicit and procure by any lawful means and to accept and receive any nature and devise, legacy or annuity, subscription, contribution or fund for the purpose of promoting the Society’s objects or any of them, and to apply to such purpose the capital as well as the income of any such legacy, donation or fund. (f) For the purposes aforesaid, to invest or otherwise deal with all moneys of the Society not immediately required in such manner as may from time to time be determined and to hold, sell or otherwise deal with such investments provided that the Society shall not support with its funds and object or endeavour to impose on or procure the observance by its members or others of any regulation or restriction which if an object of the Society would make it a trade union The income and property of the Society, whencesoever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Society as set forth in these Rules and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, gift, division, bonus or otherwise howsoever, by way of profit, to Members of the Society.
3. Membership Membership of the Society shall be open to registered Medical Practitioners in thoracic medicine and surgery, other registered Medical Practitioners, and members of allied professions with an interest in the specialties. All Consultant Thoracic Physicians and Surgeons working within the West Midlands Region shall be invited to join the Society by the Hon.Secretary on their appointment. The Society Council is empowered to designate those medical training posts, the holders of which may be invited to join the Society by the Hon.Secretary on their appointment. All other applications for ordinary membership shall be considered by the Council which is empowered to accept or reject them. In the event of rejection, the applicant may request that his application be laid before the next Annual General Meeting of the Society whose decision will be final. The Council may elect to Honorary membership any ordinary member, or any other person deemed suitable for Honorary Membership. 4. Subscriptions All members of the Society, except Honorary members, shall pay to the Society such annual or other subscriptions as shall from time to time be determined by the Council in the manner directed by the Council. 5. Officers The Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, an Honorary Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer 6. Management The management of the affairs of the Society shall be in the hands of a Council, which shall consist of the Officers of the Society together with six ordinary members. The Council may invite the attendance of any member who can assist it in its work to all or any of its meetings. 7. Elections The Officers and members of the Council shall be elected by the vote of members at the Annual General Meeting. At least one member of the Council shall not have held office in the preceding year. They shall take up office immediately following the Annual General Meeting. 8. Hon. Secretary The duties of the Hon.Secretary shall be 1. To call meetings of the Society and circulate the agenda to all members in good time. 2. To maintain accurate notes of all meetings of the Society. 3. To prepare for submission to the Annual General Meeting in each year a report on the work of the Society during that year. 4. To maintain a roll of members. |
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Thoracic Society