Our MissionThe purpose of the society is to promote the highest standards of care for respiratory patients by facilitating education and research into respiratory disease
The SocietyOur membership consists of respiratory physicians, thoracic surgeons, general practitioners, trainees in respiratory medicine, respiratory technicians nurses and physiotherapists and other professions allied to medicine who have an interest in respiratory medicine. Bi-annual meetings are
held to promote education and research. Current office holders in the society are: Mr Frank Collins (hon president) Prof R Lewis (hon secretary) Dr C O'Brien (hon treasurer)
Contact InformationWe are always pleased to welcome new members. Membership information can be obtained from the secretary : Postal Address:Prof Richard Lewis (Hon Secretary) Midland Thoracic Society Worcestershire Royal Hospital Aconbury East Charles Hastings Way Worcester WR5 1DD
Copyright © 2003-2005 Midland
Thoracic Society